Texas Family Reunion Recipe Guide

Out of all the fun activities summer brings, family reunions have to be the most memorable. It’s a time for bringing family together, whether you see each other every week or every other year. Some families sing songs and others play games and activities, but all have one thing in common–the food.

Everything is bigger here in Texas, and that includes our family reunions. It isn’t uncommon for Texan families to need a hundred or so name tags to keep track, and that’s not an exaggeration. We’re big on tradition here, so usually families have their reunions at the same place each year and celebrate with the same kind of meal.
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Nothing brings Texans together like beef. Stop by a family reunion ’round here and you’ll probably see smoked brisket, burgers or fajitas being served. This isn’t much of a surprise since grilling and smoking season never stops.

Truly, when a Texan family gets together for a reunion, there has to be beef on the grill, and it can only happen in Texas. Check out our favorite beef recipes for your next reunion or get-together!

Texas Smoked Brisket

Because Texans are famous for having the best brisket, and we’re proud of it. Follow this recipe and be your family’s own pit master!


Tex-Mex food is such a big part of our culture. No matter how big the crowd you’re feeding, beef fajitas are a simple solution. Just throw a bunch of Skirt Steak on the grill and arrange all the fixin’s!


Texans love our steak and we love to know how to cook it well. A common misconception is that steaks are expensive to buy. The Flat Iron steak is actually the second-most tender cut behind the Tenderloin and is significantly less expensive. Give it a try with some of our favorite recipes and check out our grilling guide for expert tips!


It doesn’t get more traditional than burgers. They’re the ultimate crowd-pleaser and kids can’t get enough of ’em! Don’t miss out on our burger recipes and tips.


Even if you aren’t manning the grill at your family reunion, casseroles are ALWAYS welcome. Try our Texas Beef King Ranch Casserole that’s sure to get everyone talkin’!

To learn more about Texas family reunions, click here.