5 Best Beef Chili Recipes

We get it, people everywhere have a right to enjoy chili. But when it comes to chili, brisket, breakfast tacos, high school football (the list goes on), Texans feel like we have a certain authority. Chili is our state dish, so at least we have our reasons.

It’s also our favorite thing to argue about. The bean vs. no bean debacle can be a sensitive subject, depending on who you ask. While the banter is good and fun, sometimes Texans have to put their differences aside for the sake of a good beef meal! Besides, it’s diverse like our home state and can be served many different ways.

The funny part is that while our state dish is officially chili, Texans are nearly 14 times more likely to think of steak as the state dish. We’ll consider that a win-win, but there will ALWAYS be a special place in our heart for a comforting bowl of chili.

Beans or no beans, here are some chili recipes for every kind of Texan:

Lone Star Chili

This chili probably wins Most Texan, mostly because of the name, but also because it’s what we top our Frito Pie recipe with. Can’t go wrong there!

Texas-Style Chili

This go-to authentic recipe is the perfect staple for any kitchen.

Friday Night Lights Frito Pie

A classic Texan comfort food recipe for any chilly occasion.

Easy Skillet Chili Mac

Because what’s better than spicy chili on cheesy mac & cheese?

Smoky Chipotle Chili

This recipe is easy, savory, and perfect for anytime of year.

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