Category: Kid Friendly Recipes

Time Saving Dinner Tips & Recipes for Busy Families

Between work and taking the kids to school and sports, weeknights can get pretty busy. “What’s for dinner tonight?” can add extra stress to an already hectic evening. However, with a meal planning strategy, weeknight dinners can be quick, easy, and delicious. Looking for simple dinner solutions? We’ve put together a list of time saving…

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Tips for Making Family Dinners into Lasting Memories

Gathering together as a family to share a meal and bond over life’s ups and downs has become rare. In fact, according to a 2013 Harris poll, only 30 percent of American families share dinner every night (1). Schedules overflowing with school, work, and extra-curricular obligations are understandably responsible, life is crazy. But, let’s admit…

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6 Protein-Packed Breakfasts with Beef

We’re sharing our favorite protein-packed breakfasts with beef that you’re sure to love. With over 20g of protein per serving, these breakfasts will fuel your day and prevent the mid-morning “hangry” feeling. Not only that – protein is also helpful for managing weight as well as building and preserving lean muscle, both of which support…

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5 Easy Mediterranean-Style Recipes with Beef

Beef lovers rejoice! A new study by Purdue University found that following a Mediterranean-style diet that includes up to 18 ounces of cooked, fresh lean beef and pork per week – along with poultry and fish – is just as effective at improving certain heart disease risk factors (like blood pressure, and total and LDL…

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