Texas Beef Council Board: Volunteer Leaders Advancing The Industry

Texas is not only known for its vast landscapes and iconic cowboy culture, but also for its thriving beef industry. The Texas Beef Council (TBC) is at the center of it all, bringing Texans to the table with delicious recipes, entertaining content, and credible information. Their 20-member Board of Directors oversees vital activities that support the beef industry, such as promotion, research, and education to the general public, health professionals, retail and restaurant industries, and other various stakeholders.
These initiatives, designed to create broader and more passionate beef-loving communities, are supported by the state and national Beef Checkoff, programs funded by beef producers themselves.
In layman’s terms, Immediate Past Chair of the TBC Board, Pat McDowell, describes the Beef Checkoff like this, “It’s a program designed to help ourselves (ranchers). Ranchers sell cattle. Cattle make beef. A rancher’s ultimate product is beef. If more beef is sold, that should help our bottom line. We have a fantastic product in both our cattle and the beef they eventually become.”
The TBC Board ultimately acts together, but is made of members who collectively represent various segments of the beef industry. From cattle ranchers and feedyard operators to processors, purebred cattle breeders, and those who own cattle but have different full-time jobs like doctors and lawyers, the Board’s diversity mirrors the entire beef supply chain. Dairy farmers are also represented on the Board, since dairy cattle make up a significant portion of the beef supply. This inclusivity ensures that all voices are heard and that decisions are made with the industry’s best interests at heart.
Of the 20 members, 18 directors are nominated by nine Texas beef and cattle organizations and two at-large directors are elected by the Board itself. All individuals sitting on the Board may serve up to six consecutive one-year terms. The incoming TBC Board Chair and Vice-Chair for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 are Fred Schuetze from Granbury, Texas (representing Purebred) and Pat Shields from Bryan, Texas (representing At-Large), respectively. The remaining members are also scattered throughout Texas, attending to their personal ranches and/or businesses while keeping their finger on the pulse of their constituents’ needs. The Board convenes four times a year to conduct Beef Checkoff business.
With a deep understanding of the industry’s complexities and challenges, the Board’s experience and combined efforts contribute to a thriving beef community that balances tradition with innovation – with the ultimate goal of furthering a sustainable and prosperous future for beef production in the Lone Star State and beyond. You can meet the TBC Board here.