Sonoma Ranch Steak Salad
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Step 1
Combine Rub ingredients; press evenly onto beef Chuck Arm Steaks. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes.
Cooking Tip: One-and-a-half pounds beef Top Sirloin Steak, cut 1 inch thick, may be substituted for beef Chuck Arm Steaks. For charcoal, grill, covered, 10 to 14 minutes (for gas, grill, 12 to 16 minutes) for medium rare to medium doneness, turning occasionally.
Step 2
Meanwhile, place spinach, beans, lemon juice, garlic and pepper in food processor container. With motor running, slowly add 2 tablespoons oil through opening in cover, processing until combined. Season with salt, as desired. Set aside.
Cooking Tip: One can (15 ounces) butter beans, drained, may be substituted for frozen butter beans.
Step 3
Combine tomatoes, cheese, olives and basil in medium bowl. Add remaining 1 tablespoon oil and vinegar; toss well. Season to taste with pepper; set aside.
Cooking Tip: To thinly slice fresh basil, stack several leaves. Roll stack lengthwise into cylinder. Cut cylinder crosswise at close intervals with sharp knife.
Step 4
Place beef steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 11 to 14 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 12 to 16 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally.
Step 5
Remove; let stand 5 minutes. Carve steaks into slices; season with salt, as desired. Evenly divide spinach mixture among 6 individual plates. Top with beef slices; spoon tomato salad over beef. Garnish with basil, if desired.
Nutrition Information
Nutrition information per serving: 361 Calories; 180 Calories from fat; 20g Total Fat (6 g Saturated Fat; 11 g Monounsaturated Fat;) 75 mg Cholesterol; 481 mg Sodium; 16 g Total Carbohydrate; 3.8 g Dietary Fiber; 29 g Protein; 4.6 mg Iron; 5.4 mg NE Niacin; 0.8 mg Vitamin B6; 4.4 mcg Vitamin B12; 7 mg Zinc; 37.4 mcg Selenium.
Nutrition Tip
This recipe is an excellent source of Protein, Iron, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc, and Selenium; and a good source of Dietary Fiber.
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